Sunday, August 31, 2008

Last Post? You Decide...

I know I seldom update this blog. Maybe it's because I have nothing to say that's worthy, or maybe that's because no one reads this. So I've been thinking of closing it down. But I would hate to do that because I don't know if people do read this blog. I don't know what to do, so I'm asking a simple favor. I'm asking everyone who reads this blog and enjoys it to PLEASE LEAVE A COMMENT to let me know there is still interest. If there is still no interest, I'll probably close it for good.

I'm also looking for new post ideas if you would like it to continue. What would you like me to talk about? I'm looking forward to hearing from you!


AtYourCervix said...

I've neglected my blog reading lately - and blog posting. But I do check your blog out from time to time!

Kimbra Kasch said...

Hey, if you close this one down, update your profile so I know where to find your posts.

It would be fun to hear about your classes. What courses you think are interesting, etc. I have kids and I'm always asking them.

Nurse Lochia said...

I've also been pretty slow reading and keeping up with blogs. And I rarely comment, but I do visit your blog!

Rena Jones said...

Just saying hi!

Rena <--- from the blueboards